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Journalist and author William Shirer was a witness to many of the pivotal events leading up to World War II. In the second of a three-volume series, Shirer tells the story of his own eventful life, detailing the most notable events of his career as a journalist stationed in Germany during the rise of the Third Reich. Shirer was there while Hitler celebrated his new domination of Germany, unleashed the Blitzkrieg on Poland, and began the world conflict that would come to be known as World War II. This remarkable account tells the story of an American reporter caught in a maelstrom of war and conflict, desperately trying to warn Europe and the US about the dangers to come.This memoir gives readers a chance to relive one of the most turbulent periods in 20th century history-painting a stunningly intimate portrait of a dangerous decade. TheNightmareYears1930–1940

这个故事很简单,遇见他,我很喜欢 能有你真好

“莫菲菲,凭你也想进我们王家?我明白告诉你别做梦了!”  “阿姨,这你可真误会我了,打一开始我也没想进您家门。”  “说吧,多少钱你才同意离开我儿子?”  “这个数?”  我试探性地伸出四个手指。  “四百万,你果然是冲着钱来的,行,我认了!”  “您认了?阿姨,您能不能别闹,我一个王牌大学正规教师,能看上你家三十岁有十几年扫地经验的保洁员?你觉得我是喜欢他胖,他老,还是他不洗澡?”“你你你......算了我说不过你。不过这四百万你想拿走,我可有条件!” 先生你好但请离我远点

什么唯美的爱情?在我看来平平淡淡才是真爱 爱情回忆史

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