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他从小身患怪病,她不幸成为他的药引……“别想着离开我,否则我杀了你!”“要我继续留在你身边,我宁愿去死!”当他眼睁睁地看着她在他面前倒下的那一刻,他才发现,原来爱情早已来过! 与狼共枕总裁夜夜爱

Tom Angleberger's latest, loopiest middle-grade novel begins when M'Lady Luggertuck loosens her corset (it's never been loosened before!), thereby setting off a chain of events in which all the strict rules of Smugwick Manor are abandoned.When, as a result of the Loosening,\" the precious family heirloom, the Luggertuck Lump, (quite literally a lump), goes missing, the Luggertucks look for someone to blame. Is it Horton Halfpott, the good-natured but lowly kitchen boy who can't tell a lie? OR one of the many colourful cast members in this silly romp of a mystery. HortonHalfpott

异次元伴侣通讯器,可以在另一个世界找到与自己灵魂匹配的伴侣。(目前正在开发中,功能暂无,后续开发有趣功能)价格:50蓝星币 异次元伴侣通讯器

执媛一向认为杀一个人很难,恨一个人很难。直到夙婳的出现在她的生命中笑着说“其实爱一个人最难,你这般悟性怕是学不好。”执媛冷哼,她从不屑爱一个人。她转身却撞进一个温暖的怀抱,那人的嗓音含着无限温柔“不过没关系,反正我会爱你。” 堕神记

一个死而复生从树上长出来的人,让百家势力瞠目结舌之余,他还会做出什么让人意想不到的事情呢,一切精彩尽在《坟头设计师》…… 坟头设计师

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