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?她是掌管地府第五大殿生死簿的判官,一纸生死,命定轮回。同样也是忘川河边的彼岸元神,脱离三界掌控。  ??一次人间之旅她与他不期而遇,不懂世事只会趴在地面他就这样被带回地府,痴缠一生在所难免。    【大名鼎鼎的钟馗,独守奈何桥的孟婆,勾人魂魄的黑白无常。这些人都不是此文重点。引借地府之名从开地府新事。三界之中,天法之外者如何生?】  【小葡萄初来乍到还请多多捧场!在此拜谢 卿本判官娘子太嚣张

A group of unpopular fifth graders run a spy network from inside their school. With the help of cutting-edge science, they transform their nerdy qualities into incredible abilities! In the series’ second installment, Duncan Dewey (code name: Gluestick) leads the team against a supervillain who used to be a member of NERDS. But has the team become too dependent on their supergadgets? It will take old-fashioned brainpower and bravery to save the world again.Publishers Weekly raved, “Buckley has a flair for exaggerated humor.” MisforMama'sBoy(NERDSBookTwo)

我是一个普通小职员,却遇上了刁蛮任性大小姐,彼此间,会擦出什么样的火花?我是该奋起反击还是就此屈服? 我的刁蛮大小姐

修仙求长生? 别扯了。 凡徒录

  一次酒后仇天行穿越到明末,面对犹如乌云压顶般滚滚而来的天下大势,他没有力量去改变什么,唯有誓死不降!  PS:不开金手指,打仗靠命填,全无王八气,奉行体制流;书渣,不喜勿骂。... 明末之誓死不降

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